River Reports
email : tongarirofishing@icloud.com
mobile: 021 023 85008 |
Last report before Christmas. Mon 24th December, 2018
The fishing has got tougher by the day since the last report despite near perfect conditions. With day time temperatures quickly reaching the mid twenties early starts have been a must ... and even then success was by no means guaranteed. This happens every year around this time and is all part of the twelve month cycle on the Tongariro. With many of the post spawning fish already back in the lake the "easy days" of the winter runs are over. But there's no need to put the rods away ... just change tack and lower expectations a little to avoid disappointment. As insect activity grows right acro ... |
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Perfect as we head towards the Xmas break. Thu 20th December, 2018
Since the last report there has been some pretty active weather across the country and towards the end of last week we had one of the biggest thunderstorms locally that I've seen for a while. I can't remember the exact figure but in that 24 hour period over 30,000 lightning strikes were recorded across New Zealand ... the vast majority of them occurring on the North Island. Unsurprisingly the deluge that accompanied the spectacular light show put a little extra volume into the river. Although I have to say I was expecting the flows to have increased a lot more than they did. Nevertheless that ... |
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Its not quite as easy now. Thu 13th December, 2018
As we head towards Christmas the number of rainbows in the Tongariro is beginning to shrink as more of them head back to the lake. There's still fish to be caught but it's not quite as easy out there as it was. And from now on It really pays to move around. I bumped into Andrew on my travels at the start of the week just as I was about to leave Big Bend. I'd already fished it for about an hour and had landed a few rainbows but they weren't great. So after he put a couple of half hearted drifts through with the Spey rod we decided to give Boulder Reach a try. I'd pulled into the car-park there ... |
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Plenty of heavy showers but... Wed 5th December, 2018
We've had plenty of heavy showers and some rain since the last report and still the flow chart didn't get above thirty. But the following is a typical day on the river at present. Most days when I've fished I've headed upriver first and then spent the afternoons around town ... and its worked out pretty well. The last time I was up that way though both banks in Boulder Reach were empty again. Which was a little surprising because its been good there lately. But then you remember it's the lead up to Christmas and angler numbers always tail off a few weeks before the big day. The frequent shower ... |
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