River Reports
email : tongarirofishing@icloud.com
mobile: 021 023 85008 |
Summer mode already. Sat 27th October, 2018
A very different "feel" to the river this week. With the holiday over and other venues open there are noticeably less anglers on the Tongariro. On weekdays I've seen more canoeists than fishermen and the unseasonably warm weather we've enjoyed since the last report makes it seem as if the river has already switched to "summer" mode. With fewer anglers, lighter mornings and longer days, a day out on the Tongariro is a much more relaxed affair from now on. During the winter runs anglers armed with bombs and globugs descend on the area and you have to set the alarm pretty early if you want to get ... |
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Plenty of fish in the river...Judges update. Sun 21st October, 2018
Despite the low clear conditions and warm sunny days its been a surprisingly good week on the Tongariro and the majority of anglers fishing the river are enjoying themselves. I've spent some of this week in one of my old stomping grounds. Up until a few weeks ago the fishing in Judges had been pretty hit or miss. And like many others I didn't use it much during the winter. However the last few times I've fished there its bounced back to something like its old self and is once again becoming a popular choice for anglers. Floods have caused changes in the flows and contours of the river-bed in t ... |
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Small nymphs still working well. Sun 14th October, 2018
Although the rain didn't amount to much, Friday nights heavy showers were enough to nudge the flows up a few cumecs. The next day the Tongariro was carrying a hint of color and there have been some good reports from anglers the last few days. Globugs and jelly eggs are still taking fish but the buzz on the river is how effective small nymphs are at the moment. Alan and I started off on the middle river in a howling southeasterly but it was a bit slow. After an hour or so we'd only connected with two fish...losing both of them, so headed back to town to try the Braids. Despite the chilly wind w ... |
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Low and Clear. Wed 10th October, 2018
Apologies for the late posting but I've been tied up with some friends of mine. All of them have fished the Tongariro before but Rich, Charles and Grant hadn't been on the river for a couple of years and were keen to catch up on the changes. Alan gets over more often than the others and was here just a few months ago so knows his way around without too much input from me. They're a pretty lucky bunch and usually do ok and it was no exception this time because they all caught fish. They did well on the middle and upper river and stretches around Duchess and Big Bend were particularly kind to th ... |
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