River Reports
email : tongarirofishing@icloud.com
mobile: 021 023 85008 |
Superb! Tue 28th August, 2018
The Tongariro has really switched on the last few days and there are still plenty of anglers on the river keen to get in on the action. I started upriver yesterday and there were already three in Big Bend when I got there and they'd all caught fish including a brown around five ... maybe six pounds. This pool usually starts to "fish" around the end of July but like a lot of other stretches on the river its a week or two late this year. Mind you its well worth a try from now on. But four's a crowd so I left them to it and headed further downriver and hit fish straight away nymphing with the big ... |
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Anglers everywhere! Sun 26th August, 2018
After heavy rain at the start of the week the Tongariro rose slowy and by Thursday morning flows had peaked at around 80 cumecs. Not a huge fresh but there's been some pretty good fishing as things have settled back. Along with what seemed like the rest of New Zealand I got on the river early Friday morning and headed straight to Judges. I haven't spent much time there the last couple of months because it just hasn't been anywhere near as consistent as it used to be. But I had a feeling it would switch on this time...and it did. I was first in but it wasn't long before I had some company and w ... |
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Braids best again. Mon 20th August, 2018
You're probably sick of me talking about it and I know its not everybody's cup of tea but if you want to be virtually guaranteed a hook up on the Tongariro give the Braids a go. I predicted months back that this would be one of the go to stretches on the river this winter and it hasn't let me down yet ... now I've done it ! If you take the Bridge pools out of the equation its proved to be one of the most consistent stretches so far ... if you fish it the right way. On Sunday I set the alarm and arrived there just before dawn. It was bitingly cold and my plan was to fish it for an hour or so an ... |
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Another funny ole week. Sat 18th August, 2018
Its been a funny ole week on the Tongariro ... in fact its turning out to be a funny ole year. There have been some nice fish caught over the last few months but the winter fishing so far hasn't been as good as recent years. Once you get past the bridge, fish don't seem to be holding. And judging by the numbers of kelts turning up now, it suggests that runs earlier in the year must have dashed through and spawned in the upper reaches. Nearly all my better fish have been caught around the Braids and thats not for the lack of trying other parts of the river. I was there with Mike and Mark a few ... |
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The boys are back in town! Sat 11th August, 2018
Wonderful Spring-like temperatures in Turangi the last day or two with very little wind. Combine that with all day sunshine and its little wonder thousands of recreational visitors flocked to the area over the weekend. The ski slopes and rivers have been extremely busy and when I got on the Tongariro early yesterday morning the Braids was already filling up fast. Luckily my "Braids fishing buddy" Norman was already in the spot and after starting further down first, I gradually moved up and joined him. I was just in time because he was playing fish number four as I approached and after a pretty ... |
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You can't go wrong. Fri 10th August, 2018
More excellent fishing since the last report and you can't go wrong at the moment. The unsettled, wet weather that arrived earlier this week couldn't have come at a better time. And with the rain and heavy overnight showers putting a hint of color and a few cumecs of extra volume into the Tongariro it provided anglers with perfect conditions. You'd have thought the Tongariro would have been packed but with migrating fish entering all of Lake Taupo's spawning tributaries anglers were quite literally spoilt for choice. I've spoken to locals and regulars on the river who have had ten plus fish da ... |
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Early and late. Thu 2nd August, 2018
The fishing and the weather has improved the last few days and most of yesterday and today its been more like Spring than Winter. But despite this there are very few anglers on the river. And once you get away from town I've hardly seen a soul when I've fished. Even places like the Braids hasn't been that busy and when I parked up at Red Hut again yesterday afternoon there was one other car there. Because the Braids has been reasonably consistent {unless I'm fishing with Mike "the Jonah" Fransham} I've been starting there early and when the takes dry up ... move on...usually to the middle or u ... |
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