River Reports
email : tongarirofishing@icloud.com
mobile: 021 023 85008 |
As good as it gets. Mon 26th August, 2013
Last report Mark commented in an email to an American friend that the fishing on the Tongariro at the moment is "as good as it gets". It's a sentiment echoed by many others and while you'd have to agree that it's good out there, personally I think there's much better to come as we head into spring. So far this winter some of the rainbow jacks are not only impressive looking fish but are incredibly strong, if they get into faster water even a good 8wt outfit seems flimsy. Anglers I've spoken with all have tales of the ones that got away, like Duncan Frew and his mates who I bumped into at the o ... |
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Shaken not stirred. Sat 17th August, 2013
Blue arrived from the breeder in Canterbury on Thursday and I picked him up from the air-port none the worse for his flight. He's settling in really well and doing a first class job of training the both of us. All pups need a lot of input but this is especially important with a breed like the Border collie. This from Wikipedia ; The Border Collie is a herding dog breed developed in the Anglo-Scottish border region for herding livestock, especially sheep. Ranked number one in Stanley Coren's The Intelligence of Dogs and typically extremely energetic, acrobatic, smart and athletic, they frequent ... |
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Lots of happy anglers. Mon 12th August, 2013
A busy few days on the river with lots of happy anglers. Everyone I spoke too had hooked up and if you stayed around town there were fish and fisho's everywhere. The town pools are always popular during the winter runs but its been a while since I've seen angler numbers anything like those on the weekend. The fishing was excellent here and some of the jacks especially were real rod benders that gave the gear a proper workout. Things were less hectic further upriver but I only went up as far as the Birch Pool. Too be honest I was a bit disappointed by then, only scoring one fish. So spent the r ... |
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