River Reports
email : tongarirofishing@icloud.com
mobile: 021 023 85008 |
Easter Weekend Report Tue 26th April, 2011
Compared to previous years angling pressure this Easter wasn’t too bad. Saturday seemed the busiest day and a lot of anglers, me included decided on the same game plan…to get away from the car parks and concentrate on the middle and upper river. Despite walking to some of the more remote stretches it was the easily accessed Braids that came up trumps most days. There was a definite international feel out there and over the weekend I met fisho’s young and old from all over the world keen to try their luck on the famous Tongariro. Once again it was a tough few days, most of the anglers I s ... |
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Weekend Update Thu 21st April, 2011
Weekend Update: With the Easter weekend approaching the Tongariro is a bit like the weather at the moment..."changeable". Over the last few days we've experienced warm sunshine, prolonged rain and cold Southerly winds with showers. As I drove home across the Desert Road the outside temperature read zero degrees and there was light snow falling. The fishing and the fish were different every day and it paid to move around the river fairly quickly chopping and changing methods to suit. I spent most of the time in the middle reaches although late Sunday afternoon I tried the Braids. With just a ti ... |
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Braids Update Sat 16th April, 2011
Steady rain falling in Turangi this morning – just what was ordered to flush a run of big fresh hungry trout up the river before Easter… Update on the Braids: The recent quiet spell on the Tongariro was not wasted and I spent some of the time catching up on the changes caused by the late January flood. Most but not all of the well known and more stable pools came out of it comparatively unscathed with only minor differences but one area that always takes a beating is the Braids. This whole area is unlike the rest of the Tongariro and is made up of un-consolidated, smaller stones and sedime ... |
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