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Anglers everywhere!
Braids best again.
Another funny ole week.
The boys are back in town!
You can't go wrong.
Early and late.

You can't go wrong.
Fri 10th August, 2018

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More excellent fishing since the last report and you can't go wrong at the moment.

The unsettled, wet weather that arrived earlier this week couldn't have come at a better time. And with the rain and heavy overnight showers putting a hint of color and a few cumecs of extra volume into the Tongariro it provided anglers with perfect conditions.

You'd have thought the Tongariro would have been packed but with migrating fish entering all of Lake Taupo's spawning tributaries anglers were quite literally spoilt for choice.

I've spoken to locals and regulars on the river who have had ten plus fish days which doesn't surprise me in the least during the winter runs.

But despite this there are still one or two out there who are struggling.

Honestly guys if you're not catching now then something needs to change because you're doing something wrong.

Even though I've been "at it" a long time now. And by the way still learning. When the river's fishing like this I can't get enough of it.

That boyish anticipation that never seems to leave us fisho's, kicks in. And most mornings I'm awake early and within an hour wading across the river just as the first glimmer of a new day appears on the horizon.

Of course that's not the only reason.

The particular place I prefer to start is easily accessed and very popular at this time of year and you need to wade to the TLB to get the best of it. Rather than attempt the crossing a lot of anglers fish it from the TRB bank and unwittingly end up standing where there are fish. If you happen to be on the opposite bank when this occurs, often times its not until that angler moves on that this piece of water will switch on again. Although I have to say, its usually worth the wait and Blue has had a ball there the last month "helping" me land fish.

I fished with my neighbour "Nige" yesterday and we had a fun day there and the middle river.

Although he's a boatie, he knew I enjoyed Euro nymphing ...Czech nymphing... or whatever else you want to call it and was keen to try it. So we spent all of yesterday doing just that!

He was so keen, that the day before our planned trip he stopped off at Creel and bought a complete Czech nymphing out-fit from Grantly. And I've been instructed to tell you he had it "at a very good price". Anyway by the end of another very productive day he'd mastered the "Czech nymphing lob" and his drift and line control were much better. And yet again this week the light was fading fast by the time we got back to the cars ... another convert!

I haven't caught a fish on any other method since I posted last and I'll have to be careful because its becoming a bit of an obsession. But when the fish are running and later in the year when the river is full of recovering kelts its a method well worth considering.

I've said before, like many other things in fly fishing its not as easy as it looks. And although many of the nymphs used, bear very little resemblance to anything a trout is likely to encounter in the river ... "fly choice" can make a difference. This usually revolves around bead colour, weight and whether or not you use a particular colour bead on the dropper or point.

When Roman was here in Turangi a few years ago he advised me to incorporate at least one copper bead fly in my set up. Its something I've stuck to ever since.

Since then I've experimented with various combinations on the Tongariro and the most consistent is silver and copper. With the least effective being gold or black bead head flies ... although even that combo has had its days.

No monsters again this week but a good average size nevertheless. And most of them were fighting fit and in nice condition. A couple of places I like to nymph have strong currents close by and when hooked fish managed to get into that water, they proved impossible to stop.

There are rainbows in most of the river but It still pays to move around. Boulder Reach continues to disappoint and fish don't seem to hold here like they used to since it altered a while back.

Many of the jacks caught now will be sporting full colours as well as a toothy "smile." And will feel like a slippery bar of soap if you have to handle them.

This is all part of the changes their bodies undergo during the spawning process.

I try and avoid handling them wherever possible. Which reduces the chance of accidentally removing any of that protective slime. Another reason I prefer to fish barbless.

With only a few weeks of winter left its a lovely sunny day in Turangi. But sadly the settled weather we've enjoyed the last couple of days is forecast to end late on Sunday. Then we're in for a spell of rain and showers ,heavy at times for most of next week.

There are no warnings at present and providing we don't get a huge fresh the great fishing should continue. We're fast approaching the best couple of months of the year for rainbows... make the most of it.

Tight lines guys

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