Work begins below the SH1 Bridge. Wed 11th April, 2018

First of all apologies for the images above but I only had my clockwork phone on me as I drove into town this morning. When I crossed the bridge, work had only just begun. But there were already dramatic changes as a digger and bull-dozer worked together to accomplish the planned diversion.
I had a chat with {someone I assume} was one of the engineers on site. And although it was difficult to hear him because of the bitterly cold southerly howling along the stop bank. It looks as if they're initially going to block off the TLB chute with material from the island. Then open up a channel down the middle of the river where the island used to be. Some of the gravel and rocks being shifted will be used to reinforce the base of the stone wall which is currently being undermined by the rushing waters of the river along the TRB.
There are no plans to deliberately alter the lower bridge pool or the river directly below it .And the breakthrough which has breathed new life into the Braids will be left alone.
There is also work scheduled for further downriver to divert it and again use any material moved to help prevent further bankside erosion. Its expected that all this should be completed inside a couple of weeks.
The trouble with work of this kind is that we're dealing with Mother Nature here. Even with the best intentions in the world man made plans don't always turn out as intended
Its bound to have some affect on the "fishing." And with the spawning runs almost upon us, what exactly that affect will be, remains to be seen.

On a brighter note Its happy hols time again guys
So see you soon
Mike |
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