Not another fresh! Mon 12th March, 2018

After another deluge on Wednesday night the Tongariro was heavily coloured as we headed into last weekend. Flows peaked at 123 cumecs but once the rain cleared they dropped back quickly. Unfortunately when I got on the river early Friday morning a tricky southerly had picked up and although I don't mind casting in the wind it does make mending difficult.
Prior to the latest fresh, things were starting to improve and there were a few more fish around. In Admirals for instance you could easily spot several browns and rainbows ... the most fish I've seen there for weeks.
I hadn't been to Judges for a while, because like most everywhere else on the river it hadn't been fishing that well. But as things settle back after rain it often switches on and sure enough I hooked a few there before I moved on.
With the river still carrying some color and more " freshies" around its time to dig out the globugs and jelly eggs. And although fish numbers are still low there are fish to be caught.
There have been more lady anglers than usual on the Tongariro recently and Pat and Gena had a couple of fish further upriver just before the latest fresh.
The heavy rains and floods we've experienced over the last couple of months have affected several places along the river, washing away tracks and top soil, leaving the root systems of large trees exposed.
The pines above the Cliff Pool often have their grip undermined and although there aren't that many left since the logging I don't think it'll be long before this one above Pats head lets go and ends up in the pool below.
Those of you that fish the TLB of Boulder Reach will be aware of the damage Januarys flood caused and I reported then that " When you cross the dry bypass, what is concerning is how much soil has been washed away by the floodwater, exposing the massive root system of the two big pines that guard the rest of the track. It makes you wonder if they'll still be there after the next big fresh".
Well ...the inevitable happened and after the strong southerlies and heavy rain last week one of them has been toppled. Luckily it fell away from the track but the beginning of the route to the pool is still a mess.
I was hoping to get out again today but I've got a few things to sort out {including this very quick update} No sign yet of the remnants of the latest Pacific storm despite severe weather warnings in place for the Upper North Island. In fact at present its a beautiful autumn morning out there with hardly a breath of wind...I think the lawns can wait.
Tight lines
Mike |
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