Return of the Braids Mon 14th August, 2017
As things settled back after the fresh the never ending rain and showers ensured that flows stayed between forty and fifty cumecs. The extra volume and color kept the fish coming and the Tongariro received plenty of attention from anglers keen to get into the action.
The Braids for instance got absolutely thrashed over the weekend as the runs continued. And I've probably seen more anglers there this week than for the whole of the past few years.
Mind you I don't blame them. The fish get concentrated as they pass through this stretch and its almost impossible to blank.
I left it until the afternoon before I fished there on Friday and by then most had called it a day. The spot I wanted was empty and because there'd been the odd fish rising on previous visits I decided to take off the globug.
Just as I was about to cast a fish surfaced just upstream. Out went the flies and it wasn't long before the dry disappeared as it drifted back towards me. It was pretty steady fishing and the takes didn't tail off until I left around five.
I called over again the next day but the place was heaving so I left them to it and moved on.

There's a nice even spread of fish now so there are plenty of opportunities all along the river. But the town and lower river is obviously popular at present because anglers are hoping to get at the fish first.
Keith pictured above is originally from Scotland and was landing his third in Major Jones when we met up.
Its the same story where-ever you fish ... and at the moment you can't really go wrong.
More unsettled wet weather for most of the week so keep an eye on the flows. I sound like a stuck record so expect more great fishing ... but its going to be pretty busy out there again.
Tight lines
Mike |
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